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Delicious Fried Chicken-Home Made

Delicious Fried Chicken-Home Made

 Fried Chicken  History

                                       Kentucky Fried Chicken

The major brand of fried chicken was of Kentucky Fried Chicken.  The man who founded it was Colonel
Harland Saunders in 1930s. He was retired and went to found a successful chain of restaurants. This was at the time of great depression He failed in  other jobs. So Don't Give up. 

Many have started with just changing the first name,

Well a tasty Fried Chicken Recipe can be made at home.

Our at home  Fried Chicken we named Tasty Khabarz Fried Chicken.

The recipe is a secret.  But keep following us in our YouTube channel.

I can tell you this much though.

Use Knorrr Crisspy Fried Mix.

The other most well known brand is boast of  Al Baik. They have a  great story too.

Al Baik is the KFC brand of the Middle East.

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